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Command Line Notes

  • pwd print working directory
  • mkdir x to make a new folder, x
  • cd x to change directory to that folder, x
  • touch x to create a file with name x
  • cd ./x to go to x directory (not necessarily within current directory)
  • ls list items in a folder
  • cd .. two dots mean step out of directory one level

some more command line tips: !! # run the last command executed sudo !! # run the last command as root I<word> # run last command starting with a specific word ! word:p # ^ list, but don’t run that last command <space>command # execute a command w/out saving in history echo "Is -1" | at midnight # execute command at given time caffeinate -u -t 3600 # stop your mac from sleeping for 1h 1s -lhS # sort files by size in a directory qlmanage -p <file> # QuickLook preview from command-line top -o vsize # why is my mac slow?

name files and folders in lowercase and use dashes instead of spaces - kebab-case

path components in browser


./ current folder - this is done by default so ../ go up one folder level folder-name/ directs browser into a folder with that name

relative urls for same domain absolute urls for different domain

can write clear in terminal to clear it